Saturday, April 25, 2020

Business Central Docker Containers: Make sure to update NavContainerHelper

By Steve Endow

UPDATE: If you're interested in a convenient way to run the BcContainerHelper PowerShell commands, check out Krzysztof's Azure Data Studio Notebook with sample BcContainerHelper commands.  Jupyter Notebooks are a great way to include documentation and commands in a single convenient format.

If you are using Business Central Docker containers, make sure to regularly update NAV Container Helper.

UPDATE:  After thinking about this more, it just didn't make sense that the NavContainerHelper module I had downloaded just 9 days ago would have an old reference to $NAV instead of BC.  The $NAV parameter would presumably have been phased out months ago.

So how was it possible that calling my 9 day old version of NavContainerHelper resulted in an error due to an old $NAV reference?

The explanation lies in my complete ignorance of PowerShell and how PowerShell modules work.

AJ Kauffmann explained to me that I can check which versions of the NavContainerHelper module I have installed.  This is probably obvious to PS folks, but I didn't know that PS maintained multiple module versions.

AJ informed me of the "-allversions" parameter that will show all of the versions I have installed.  I've collected quite a few.

I'm a Collector

I then started wondering:  Is it possible that PowerShell called one of these old versions, which did contain the NAV reference?

The answer is:  YES.  It is possible, and likely explains the error I encountered.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dynamics 365 Business Central Updates: April 2020

By Steve Endow

There are quite a few things going on with Business Central, so I thought I would share some things I've reading and working on lately.

1. Business Central 2020 Wave 1 deployment:  Business Central version 16.0 is being deployed to production tenants through June 15, 2020.  If you haven't yet scheduled your upgrade, visit your BC Admin Center and schedule a preferred date date.

Upgrading to 16.0

Monday, April 20, 2020

Learning Business Central Development from Scratch: The Four Different Code Analyzers

By Steve Endow

As part of the AL Development Online Training class, I'm working on my first AL project.

When you create a new AL project in VS Code, one of the many options available are the "al.enableCodeAnalysis" and "al.codeAnalyzers" settings in one of your "settings.json" files.

Update: Here is a blog post by "Waldo" (Eric Wauters) on enabling the AL code analyzers

Option 1: Save the options in the User settings.json file.  This will enable the AL code analyzers for all of your projects.  If you always want the same settings for all of your projects, this option might be the easiest.

CTRL + comma  ->  Extensions  ->  AL Language extension  -> Code Analyzers  ->  Edit in settings.json

AL Code Analyzer Settings in the User Settings File

Don't forget these options when installing VS Code!

By Steve Endow

While attending AJ Kauffmann's AL Development online training class last week, I noticed that he was able to right click on a folder or open directory in Windows Explorer and then select Open in Code, to quickly open the project in VS Code.

Windows File Explorer context menu

When I tried this on my development machine, I didn't have the "Open with Code" menu option.

After a quick search, it appears that you have to enable this context menu during the VS Code install.  There is apparently a way to add it via registry hack, but there is no simple way to enable this feature.  From the articles I've found, you can't enable the option from within VS Code, and on my machine, there was no "Change" option under Add/Remove Programs--only "Uninstall" was listed.

So, the easiest option for me was to uninstall and then reinstall.  Very lame, but not too difficult and it only took a few minutes.

Essential Options During Install

When you install VS Code, MAKE SURE to review these options and check the boxes. I would strongly recommend checking the three highlighted boxes.  If you do not enable these context menus, it's pretty tedious to open Business Central AL projects.

Steve Endow is a Microsoft MVP in Los Angeles.  He works with Dynamics 365 Business Central, Power Automate, Power Apps, Azure, Dynamics GP, SQL Server, and .NET

You can also find him on Twitter and YouTube

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dramatically improve your webcam video quality with this one simple trick!

By Steve Endow

Sorry for the click bait title, but I've always found the psychology of those annoying headlines rather interesting.

But in this case, it's an honest title, because this is a single "simple trick" and it will dramatically improve your webcam video quality.

I present a before and after image:

Before and After

The image on the left is my webcam video with only the room lighting.  It looks terrible!

I have recessed lights in my home office, with the lights to the left and right of me.  Notice the dark shadows around my eyes and under my chin.  And notice the color--due to the white balance of the video and room lights, my skin looks very dark.

Monday, April 13, 2020

How long does it take to import Dynamics GP SOP Invoices with eConnect? eConnect SOP Performance Benchmarks

By Steve Endow

Today I was asked how long it should take to import a bunch of SOP Invoices into Dynamics GP, with each invoice having a bunch of lines.

I wrote a previous post with benchmarks for importing large GL Transactions.

I've also benchmarked GL AA Transactions.

And tested performance of different GL batch sizes.

Here are some sample numbers for importing SOP Invoices.  Import times will vary significantly based on your specific environment and several factors, but it's a baseline to consider.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Learning Business Central Development From Scratch: FLF license files

By Steve Endow

As I mentioned in my prior post in this series, I'm starting from absolute scratch when it comes to learning Dynamics 365 Business Central development.  I'm clearly not an expert at this point, so if you find any information in the post that is inaccurate, please let me know.

I've spent months learning how to install and configure Business Central Docker containers, including the many, many quirks of that process.  I've been trying to create a blog post and video on that for months, but given all of the details I want to cover, it's very tedious to prepare and still not complete.

So in the meantime, I thought I would write about one specific detail that I learned while trying to setup a Business Central Docker container.  This post is one of those asides.

As a result of my "newness" (ignorance), I'm running into small issues that are probably obvious to any experienced NAV and Business Central developers, but cause me to stop what I'm doing and spend 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or perhaps several hours to figure out.

The Business Central FLF license file is one of those issues.  Coming from the Dynamics GP world, I know nothing about NAV or BC licenses or license files or how licensing works in BC, other than the user-based licensing for BC SaaS.

If you are going to be working with Business Central Docker containers and include automated testing (which you should!), I suspect you'll need to know about FLF license files.

NAV Container Helper - Include Test Toolkit

Above is a sample call to the NavContainer Helper PowerShell script.  Notice the parameter on the last line:  includeTestToolkit.

How many digits can a Business Central Amount field actually support?

 by Steve Endow (If anyone has a technical explanation for the discrepancy between the Docs and the BC behavior, let me know!) On Sunday nig...