On July 1, 2020, I made a video showing the basic Docker commands that I use to manage Business Central Docker Containers.
![]() |
PowerShell isn't too bad |
Here is a complete list of the commands that I've collected to manage Business Central Containers, as of July 2020. If you have any others that you recommend, please comment below and let me know!
Thanks to Daniel and Tanya and Džoka for some additions!
Open Powershell / Powershell ISE on HOST machine using Run As Administrator
NOTE: When referring to a Container ID or Image ID, you can use the first
few characters of the ID if they are unique--you do not have to always
use the full ID.
Check NavContainerHelper Version
Get-InstalledModule NavContainerHelper
Fresh Install of NavContainerHelper
Install-module navcontainerhelper
Import-Module navcontainerhelper
Install Latest NavContainerHelper
If you KNOW you don't have multiple versions installed:
Update-Module NavContainerHelper -Force
If you MIGHT have multiple versions installed:
$MyModuleName = <modulename>
Uninstall-Module $MyModuleName -allversions
Install-Module $MyModuleName
NOTE: I do not recommend using the -Force option with Install-Module.
It can bypass valuable warnings that you want to know about.
Alternate method to Remove Old Versions of NavContainerHelper
$ModuleName = 'navcontainerhelper';
$Latest = Get-InstalledModule $ModuleName;
Get-InstalledModule $ModuleName -AllVersions | ? {$_.Version -ne $Latest.Version} | Uninstall-Module -WhatIf
Container Management Commands
Compact Container listing:
docker ps --format "table {{.Names}}\t{{.ID}}\t{{.CreatedAt}}\t{{.Status}}"
Full listing:
docker ps
docker ps -a
docker start <id>
docker stop <id>
docker container inspect
Remove Container
Recommended method:
Remove-BCContainer <containername>
Manual Docker method:
docker stop <id>
docker rm <id>
Manually clean up hosts file
Manually remove desktop icons
Manually remove extensions from C:\ProgramData\NavContainerHelper\Extensions\
Stop all running containers:
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker images
docker images -a
Remove Image
docker rmi <id>
docker rmi <repository>:<tag>
Remove all images:
docker rmi $(docker images -aq)
Clean up old images
Remove orphaned images with "< none >" identifiers:
docker images -q -f dangling=true | % { docker rmi $_ }
Remove orphaned images:
docker image prune -f
Remove orphaned AND UNUSED images:
WARNING: Be careful with this: It will remove generic OS images used by NavContainerHelper!
docker image prune -a -f
Get Artifact Info for an existing BC Container:
Get-BcContainerArtifactUrl containername
Get-NavContainerArtifactUrl containername
Create New BC Container
Steve Endow is a Microsoft MVP in Los Angeles. He works with Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft Power Automate, Power Apps, Azure, .NET, Dynamics GP, and SQL Server.
You can also find him on Twitter and YouTube